
RSScorporate bookings (1)

Date Title Rating

RSSDiscounts (1)

Date Title Rating
2011-01-28 Discounts Schedule 2.2

RSSDolphin Watch (1)

Date Title Rating
2011-08-22 Dolphin Link 3.7

RSSEvents & Road Closures (1)

Date Title Rating
2011-01-28 Events that restrict access to About Bike Hire 3

RSSMunda Biddi (3)

Date Title Rating
2011-02-07 The Guardian visits About Bike Hire 1
2010-12-25 Perth to Nannup on the Munda Biddi 3
2010-09-23 Ben Moks legacy 4

RSSNews (4)

Date Title Rating
2011-07-03 Bike servicing and repairs now available 3.8
2011-04-23 The new Tourers are a hit! 3
2011-04-22 Another Award! 3.8
2011-01-28 Events that restrict access to About Bike Hire 3

RSSTestimonials (6)

Date Title Rating
2011-04-23 The new Tourers are a hit! 3
2011-04-22 Another Award! 3.8
2010-10-28 The Singapore Cycling Group enjoyed their visit 3
2010-10-28 Peter from the UK has returned again to ride around Perth 5
2010-10-28 Some great feedback from a visitor from the UK. Thanks Brian None
2010-09-23 Ben Moks legacy 4


13 posts
47 raters