by Geoff
7. February 2011 20:14
A journalist from The Guardian in the UK recently paid us a visit and went riding on the fabulous Munda Biddi. Her easy-to-read appraisal can be accessed on
If you need further information, don't hesitate to contact the Munda Biddi Trail Foundation directly or chat to our staff.

Munda Biddi
by Geoff
25. December 2010 01:59
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to cycle on the renowned Munda Biddi Trail from Perth to Nannup?
Esther from Byron Bay has prepared a beaut Blog which she has generously shared with us.
The photo's are stunning and her experiences working in the tourism industry have resulted in an easy-to-read Blog that makes you feel every bump on the Trail, as well as sampling the great experiences to be had. Our Giant Yukon bikes and BOB trailers have once again proved to be up to the challenge!

Munda Biddi
by Geoff
23. September 2010 02:38
Ben Mok was a valued customer of About Bike Hire who passed away recently in tragic circumstances.
He was talented writer and passionate cyclist who has written an excellent review and guide of the Munda Biddi Trail and his experiences using one of our BOB trailers.
Check out his legacy: